Two great gigs with Coast To Coast Productions this month at both ends of the state. First was Brendon Burchard's Experts Academy at the posh Sofitel in Redwood City near San Francisco (but we stayed at the less posh Country Inn & Suites across the highway in San Carlos).
It's always a pleasure to work with Brendon's excellent crew and this time was no different. But the real treat was working with his guest speakers Tony Robbins and John Gray. People pay big bucks to hear these experts and I had the best seat in the house (behind one humongous lens).

We weren't back in town one day before going out to another seminar, this time in Beverly Hills. The Eve Michaels Image and Beauty Bootcamp was held at the Peninsula Hotel, as well as limo driven stops to the salons and shops around town.
I got to meet Giuseppe Franco, the guy who does Arnold Schwartzenagger's hair and went to Anastasia, the place where Jason Schwartzman and other stars get their eyebrow(s) done. When I wasn't carrying gear out of limos and into buildings, I got to hang around outside and watch the parade.
Drivers rarely honk their horns in Los Angeles, but no one is shy about using them in BH. How else do you get someone's attention when they're strolling down the middle of the street?
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