West Coast Tour Winter '08

So this is my first truly multimedia blog with music, pics and video. The soundtrack to this month's adventure is provided by Project Playlist and as you may have noticed, starts automatically (or at least it should). If this annoys you, the pause button is in the upper left corner of the player.

But I hope you choose to listen as I came across some interesting and appropriate tunes, including city specific and weather related themes. I especially enjoyed Hello Saferide's description of San Francisco as "the only place in North America not destroyed by the government." I can't tell if that's a good or a bad thing, but the song sure is a peppy foot-tapper.

OTR doing BTS with Chris Howard
I got to live like a rock star (okay, more like a roadie, but still...) when I did a "west coast tour" operating camera for the Christopher Howard Breakthrough To Success seminar. We stayed in airport hotel rooms, even though the series started here in L.A. But most of the client team is from Australia, so the Arlo Guthrie song about LAX is for them.

Chris Howard LAX gig day 1 Chris Howard LAX gig day 2
Day one of the Chris Howard gig at LAX (L) Day two rubdown from boss (R)

Put Some Flowers in Your Hair
For the second show, we flew up to San Francisco, went straight to the hotel and worked all weekend. Fortunately, there's plenty to see within walking distance from our hotel near Union Square, so it wasn't like we were stuck in a cave. At least not a cheap one.

Golden Gate San Francisco Medical Professional
Golden Gate Bridge from earlier, sunnier visit (L) San Francisco Medical Professionals (R)

19 Stories About a City
From there, we drove up to Tacoma, Washington for the third and final show in this series. While I didn't get time to see many sights, I did have fantastic views from my hotel windows. Both of them were on the 19th floor, but in different buildings, obviously.

San Francisco Tacoma
San Francisco's Union Square (L) Downtown Tacoma overlooking Puget Sound (R)

A Day Off in Tacoma
There was time to break out the video camera, but I quickly realized why no one was out walking around. The camera is much steadier and the shots last longer from the indoor comfort of my hotel room. In any event, here's my Tacoma Travelogue:

And Points in Between
After that, it was a quick jaunt to the bay area for my coworker and fellow driver to catch a plane back to his life on the east coast. And you know we got lost on the way to San Jose, which is an interesting story itself, but for another time.

I drove the last leg to L.A. by myself through some of the most beautiful highway construction I'd ever seen. Cutting across from the 101 to the I-5 was worth the slower speeds, especially with another few hundred miles of straight pavement coming after that.

It is Winter After All
I saw quite a bit of snow covered mountains this month, and that's about as much or as close as I'd like. I was surprised to see it on the peaks coming through the Grapevine pass, just 80 miles from the city. And I thought I saw some on the Santa Monica mountains coming over the hill, but it was only a light dusting of cocaine (ha).

Back to Abnormal
It scares me to think this way, but driving into the progressively thicker traffic (and thicker drivers) of L.A. felt like coming home. I've been here over 3 years now and I fit in too easily, even after being gone a few weeks. I soon got over any emotions about this place and went back to work with a two day gig here in town (well, the OC).

So I admit to being involved in a shooting in Garden Grove this month, but it was camera work for an American Express sales conference. And the experience was nothing like the Sublime song, I just like the fact that someone wrote about this Disneyland neighbor. Next week I'm going to San Mateo. Can anyone suggest a song?

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